As you have just Enrolled or Managed your Account, to return and access the application, please click on the Service below

Gan eich bod chi wedi cofrestru neu Reoli'ch Cyfrif yn unig, i ddychwelyd a chael mynediad i'r cais, cliciwch ar y Gwasanaeth isod

Service / Gwasanaeth
CTSonline logo
SOGar-lein logo
Cattle Tracing System Online (CTSO) / System Olrhain Gwartheg Ar-Lein (CTSO)

Animal & Plant Health Agency logo Sam

Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs ALVS Helpdesk
Sheep & Goat Ear Tag Allocation System (ETAS)

If you have experienced an error during enrolment or account management, click on the Service you were trying to access to start the process again.
If the error persists, please contact the relevant application Helpdesk Team.

Os ydych wedi derbyn camgymeriad yn ystod yr amgylchedd neu reoli cyfrif, cliciwch ar y Gwasanaeth yr oeddech yn ceisio ei gael i gychwyn y broses eto.
Os yw'r gwall yn parhau, cysylltwch â'r Tîm Desg Gymorth cais perthnasol.

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